Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jensen Todd

Dear Jensen,

A year ago, you were born...sweet, tiny, barely able to even open your eyes. Today, as I stood in the kitchen preparing your lunch, I looked into the living room and saw you walking across the room while holding one of your favorite books. I could hardly believe it...when did my tiny baby boy turn into a little person who walks, talks (a bit) and has favorite books? We are filled with wonder every day when we think about how much you've grown and're pretty amazing, Little Man!

Jensen, you have such a sweet, caring nature. You are very aware of the emotions of others...when we smile or laugh, you usually smile or laugh right along with us. And from the time you were just a few months old, you would look at your sister with concern when she cried. We could tell that you were worried about her and wished you could make her feel better. One of my favorite things about you is how much you love your sister. You adore Charlotte and playing with her makes you so happy. I hope that the two of you will grow from playmates into friends...and I know that you will always be a good brother to her and do your best to look out for her.

When I think about you, I think about joy...the joy that you bring to your dad and me, and the joy that radiates from within you. You are a happy little boy whose smile lights up his entire face and the faces of everyone around him. You laugh often...and loudly! Jensen, you encompass everything that's precious about a little boy: You are rowdy, rough-and-tumble, loud and wild...but you are also sweet, caring and patient. When you cry, we know something must be really wrong, because you are such a tough little guy. You love dogs, being outdoors, and books...and you are a smart little guy who is very good at figuring out how things work.

I can't find the words to describe how much your dad and I love you. The minute we saw your sweet face, it was love...and although I didn't think it was possible, our love for you has grown every single day. Your laugh is the best sound I've ever heard. I know I keep using this word, but you are truly a joy. We absolutely adore you and can't wait to see what the future holds for you...maybe you'll use your energy to play a sport. Maybe your interest in animals will lead you to a career helping them. Maybe you'll love art, or music, or something altogether different...what I'm trying to say is that the entire world is before you, and no matter what you decide to do, and who you become, your dad and I will support you...and love you. You are loved unwaveringly and unconditionally.



Jensen Todd's First Year

1 comment:

  1. Marcy~ These two posts made me cry. Like tears streaming down my face cry! They are SO sweet! You have two very special, very loved little babies!!
