Monday, April 18, 2011

Lake Weekend

Charlotte and Jensen celebrated their last weekend as 11-month-olds (eeek!) by taking a trip to spend the night at Brian's parents house at Lake Granbury. Brian and I had a wedding to attend in Granbury on Saturday night, so we figured we would make a weekend of it and head down on Friday afternoon. When we arrived at the lake house, Charlotte and Jensen explored their new surroundings indoors before heading out to play in the backyard. Brian had been sick all week and so while he took a quick nap, Uncle Dot and Aunt Biff (who had heard the word "lake" and decided that we really could use their company on Friday) helped me take Charlie and Jensen outside to check out the scenery.

We'd brought the babies' outdoor blanket, so the three of us adults spent an embarrassing amount of time scouting the backyard for the perfect location to spread it...somewhere out of direct sunlight, where the ground was flat and free of any wet grass or little potholes. We finally selected the perfect spot and placed the babies carefully on the blanket, where they remained for about 0.021 seconds. And then...

they broke free of the blanket and were off to explore! Of course, Uncle Dot did try to restrain Jensen (using his own unorthodox methods):

Upside-down tickles from Aunt Biff!

Jensen is a little outdoorsman...he had a great time exploring the backyard, finding little rocks and sticks, and snacking on grass. Of course, he also showed off a few of his new walking moves...

And as for Charlotte, well...she is usually a fan of the outdoors, but she didn't fare so well at the lake. She kept acting like she really didn't want her hands or feet touching the grass. I think she was having an allergy to either the grass or something that was on the grass, because she got a little red rash on her arms and face. Our little Bug has some very sensitive skin. But we did get a few pics of her exploring before we headed inside...

That little pointer finger is always in action!

The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and giving the babies dinner and their bath before putting them down for their first night of sleep at the lake. At about 9:30, we were watching a little documentary about the mothman (wow, nights at the lake sure aren't what they used to be!) when Charlotte must have woken up and found herself in a strange place...because she had quite the freak-out. It took me a looooong time to get her calmed down and back to sleep. She slept well the rest of the night, but Mr. Jensen could not quite seem to get comfortable in his little pack 'n' play...he was up quite a bit throughout the night (totally unlike him). But we all survived our first lake trip as a family of four, and at around noon the next day, Brian drove the babies home to spend the rest of the weekend with my parents.

On Saturday evening, we attended the wedding of Kim's sister Kelly. Kelly is beautiful and fun and sweet...and many years ago, Kim and I had the grand scheme that she should marry my brother. When that didn't work out, we had several grand schemes involving her marrying one of my guy friends...but it wasn't to be (Kim and I are pretty much the worst matchmakers ever). Anyways, I didn't take any pictures at the wedding, but I snagged this one from Kim's facebook page:

So sweet! The wedding was beautiful and so reflective of the couples' personalities. I love the Stockton family and Brian and I were so happy to be there to see Kelly get married (even though it wasn't to any of our guy friends! Ha!). We had a great weekend but were really happy to get home yesterday...our babies were here waiting for us and so was the seemingly endless amount of stuff that needs to be prepared for the babies' first birthday party, which is an unbelievable five days away. But that's a whole different post. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why I keep snooping on your life Marcy...I think its because there is always at least one chuckle. This time it was the "unorthodox method of child rearing"...thanks.
